Latest version.
  • The statutory references listed below refer the code user to state statutes applicable to California counties. They are current with all 2017 Regular Session laws.

    General Provisions

    Code adoption

     Government Code §§ 25126 et seq. and 50022.1 et seq.

    Police power

     Cal. Const. Art. XI § 7

    Counties generally

     Cal. Const. Art. XI, § 1

    Classification of counties

     Government Code § 28020 et seq.

    County seats

     Government Code § 23600 et seq.


     Government Code § 25120 et seq.

    Penalties for ordinance violations

     Government Code §§ 25132 and 76000 et seq.

    Citations for misdemeanors

     Penal Code § 853.5 et seq.

    Administrative fines and penalties

     Government Code § 53069.4

    Appeal from local governmental action

     Code of Civil Procedure § 1094.6

    Expedited judicial review of First Amendment cases

     Code of Civil Procedure § 1094.8


     Government Code §§ 24200 et seq. and 25201

    Election precincts

     Elections Code § 12200 et seq.

    Redistricting of supervisorial districts

     Elections Code § 21500 et seq.

    Eminent Domain Law

     Code of Civil Procedure § 1230.010 et seq.

    Administration and Personnel

    County officers generally

     Government Code § 24000 et seq.

    Board of supervisors

     Government Code § 25000 et seq.

    Chairman of board of supervisors

     Government Code § 25020 et seq.

    Meetings generally

     Government Code § 54950 et seq.

    Meetings of county board of supervisors

     Government Code § 25080 et seq.

    Clerk of the board of supervisors

     Government Code § 25100 et seq.

    Offices and office hours

     Government Code § 24250 et seq.

    Consolidation of offices

     Government Code § 24300 et seq.

    Officers and employees

     Government Code § 24000 et seq., 25300 et seq.

    County assessors

     Government Code § 27421 et seq.

    County auditors

     Government Code § 26900 et seq.

    County clerks

     Government Code § 26801 et seq.

    County controllers

     Government Code § 26880 et seq.


     Government Code § 27460 et seq.

    County counsel

     Government Code § 27640 et seq.

    Directors of finance

     Government Code § 26970 et seq.

    District attorney

     Government Code § 26500 et seq.

    Public administrators

     Government Code § 27440 et seq.

    Public defenders

     Government Code § 27700 et seq.

    Public guardians

     Government Code § 27430 et seq.

    County recorders

     Government Code § 27201 et seq.


     Government Code § 26600 et seq.

    County surveyors

     Government Code § 27550 et seq.

    County health officers

     Health and Safety Code § 101000 et seq.

    Hearing officer

     Government Code § 27720 et seq.

    Tax collectors

     Government Code § 27400 et seq.

    County treasurers

     Government Code § 27000 et seq.

    County financial evaluation officer

     Government Code § 27750 et seq.

    County treasury oversight committees

     Government Code § 27130 et seq.

    Official bonds

     Government Code §§ 1450 et seq. and 24150 et seq.

    Removal from office

     Government Code § 3000 et seq.

    Political activities of public employees

     Government Code § 3201 et seq.

    Local planning agencies

     Government Code § 65100 et seq.

    California Emergency Services Act

     Government Code § 8550 et seq.

    Peace officer standards and training

     Penal Code § 13500 et seq.

    County Civil Service Enabling Law

     Government Code § 31100 et seq.

    County employees retirement

     Government Code §§ 31450 et seq. and 53060.1

    Revenue and Finance

    Financial powers

     Government Code § 25250 et seq.

    Appropriation and separation of county funds

     Government Code § 29300

    Purchasing system

     Government Code §§ 25480 et seq. and 54201 et seq.

    Bradley-Burns Uniform Local Sales and Use Tax Law

     Revenue and Taxation Code § 7200 et seq.

    Transient occupancy tax

     Revenue and Taxation Code § 7280 et seq.

    Documentary Transfer Tax Act

     Revenue and Taxation Code § 11901 et seq.

    Road funds

     Streets and Highways Code § 2150 et seq.

    Unclaimed property

     Civil Code § 2080 et seq.

    Unclaimed money

     Government Code § 50050 et seq.

    Claims against public entities

     Government Code § 900 et seq.

    Claims for money or damages against counties

     Government Code § 29700 et seq.

    Planning and zoning fees for specific purposes

     Government Code § 66012 et seq.

    Public works and public purchases

     Government Code § 4000 et seq.

    Local Agency Public Construction Act

     Public Contract Code § 20100 et seq.

    Uniform Public Construction Cost Accounting Act

     Public Contract Code § 22000 et seq.

    Bergeson-Peace Infrastructure and Economic Development Bank Act

     Government Code § 63000 et seq.

    County Service Area Law

     Government Code § 25210 et seq.

    Revenue bonds for county improvements

     Government Code § 26301 et seq.

    Business Licenses and Regulations

    Authority to license businesses

     Business and Professions Code § 16100 et seq.

    Automatic checkout systems

     Civil Code § 7100 et seq.

    Charitable solicitations

     Business and Professions Code § 17510 et seq.

    Commercial filming

     Government Code § 65850.1

    Community antenna TV systems

     Government Code § 53066 et seq.

    Gambling Control Act

     Business and Professions Code § 19800 et seq.

    Massage parlors

     Government Code § 51030 et seq.

    Private Investigator Act

     Business and Professions Code § 7512 et seq

    Taxicabs and other vehicles for hire

     Vehicle Code §§ 16500 et seq., 21100, 21112 and Government Code § 53075.5


    Animals generally

     Food and Agriculture Code § 16301 et seq.


     Government Code § 25803 and Food and Agricultural Code § 30501 et seq.

    Potentially dangerous and vicious dogs

     Food and Agricultural Code § 31601 et seq.

    County authority to adopt or enforce its own program for the control of potentially dangerous or vicious dogs

     Food and Agricultural Code § 31683

    Rabies control

     Health and Safety Code § 121575 et seq.

    Cruelty to animals and related offenses

     Penal Code §§ 596 through 600.5

    Health and Safety

    County health administration

     Health and Safety Code § 101025 et seq.

    Garbage and refuse disposal

     Public Resources Code § 49000 et seq. and Government Code § 25820 et seq.

    Fire prevention

     Health and Safety Code § 13000 et seq.

    Abatement of hazardous weeds and rubbish

     Health and Safety Code § 14875 et seq.

    Authority to abate nuisances

     Government Code § 25845 and Penal Code § 370 et seq.

    Graffiti abatement

     Government Code § 38772 and Penal Code § 594.5

    County authority to declare and abate weed, rubbish, and other dangerous or injurious nuisance materials from property

     Government Code § 25213


     Penal Code §§ 374 through 374.8

    Smoking—Places of Employment

     Labor Code § 6404.5

    California Indoor Clean Air Act of 1976

     Health and Safety Code § 118875 et seq.

    Public Peace, Morals and Welfare

    Crimes against religion and conscience, and other offenses against good morals

     Penal Code § 302 et seq.


     Penal Code § 311 et seq.

    Material harmful to minors

     Penal Code § 313 et seq.

    Indecent exposure, obscene exhibitions, and bawdy and other disorderly houses

     Penal Code § 314 et seq.

    Crimes against the public peace

     Penal Code § 403 et seq.

    Authority of board of supervisors to prohibit and prevent unnecessary firing and discharge of firearms in public places

     Government Code § 25840

    Vehicles and Traffic

    Rules of the Road

     Vehicle Code § 21000 et seq.

    Local traffic rules and regulations

     Vehicle Code § 21100 et seq.

    Traffic signs, signals and markings

     Vehicle Code § 21350 et seq.

    Driving on right side of road, overtaking and passing

     Vehicle Code § 21650 et seq.


     Vehicle Code § 21800 et seq.

    Pedestrians' rights and duties

     Vehicle Code § 21949 et seq.

    Turning, stopping and turning signals

     Vehicle Code § 22100 et seq.

    Vehicle speed

     Vehicle Code § 22348 et seq.

    Special stops required

     Vehicle Code § 22450 et seq.

    Stopping, standing and parking

     Vehicle Code § 22500 et seq.


     Vehicle Code §§ 21200 et seq. and 39000 et seq.

    Vehicle size, weight and load

     Vehicle Code § 35000 et seq.


     Vehicle Code § 42000 et seq.

    Streets, Sidewalks and Public Places

    General supervision, regulation, management, and control of the county highways by board of supervisors

     Streets and Highways Code § 900 et seq.

    Construction of sidewalks and curbs

     Streets and Highways Code § 5870 et seq.

    Care and protection of county highways

     Streets and Highways Code § 1450 et seq.

    Road districts

     Government Code § 25200 and Streets and Highways Code § 1020 et seq.

    County parks

     Public Resources Code §§ 5150 et seq. and 5301 et seq.

    Advertising displays

     Business and Professions Code §§ 5229 through 5231

    Landscaping and Lighting Act of 1972

     Streets and Highways Code § 22500 et seq.

    Underground utility districts

     Streets and Highways Code § 5896.1 et seq.

    County Service Area Law

     Government Code § 25210 et seq.

    Public Services

    County water systems

     Government Code §§ 25690 et seq.

    County sewers

     Government Code § 25820 et seq. and Health and Safety Code § 5470 et seq.

    Water wells

     Water Code § 13700 et seq.

    Buildings and Construction

    State Housing Law

     Health and Safety Code § 17910 et seq.

    California Building Standards Law

     Health and Safety Code § 18901 et seq.

    Authority of county to adopt ordinances that regulate signs and billboards

     Government Code § 65850(b)

    Outdoor Advertising Act

     Business and Professions Code § 5200 et seq.

    Mobilehome Parks Act

     Health and Safety Code § 18200 et seq.

    Inspection warrants

     Code of Civil Procedure § 1822.50 et seq.


    Subdivision Map Act

     Government Code § 66410 et seq.


    Planning and Zoning Law

     Government Code § 65000 et seq.

    Local authority to regulate land use

     Government Code § 65850

    Local zoning administration

     Government Code § 65900 et seq.

    Open-space zoning

     Government Code § 65910 et seq.

    Family day care homes

     Health and Safety Code § 1597.30 et seq.

    Environmental Protection

    California Environmental Quality Act

     Public Resources Code § 21000 et seq.

    California Noise Control Act of 1973

     Health and Safety Code § 46000 et seq.