San Luis Obispo County |
County Code |
§ 23.07.104. Archaeologically Sensitive Areas.
To protect and preserve archaeological resources, the following procedures and requirements apply to development within areas of the coastal zone identified as archaeologically sensitive.
Archaeologically sensitive areas. The following areas are defined as archaeologically sensitive:
Any parcel within a rural area which is identified on the rural parcel number list prepared by the California Archaeological Site Survey Office on file with the county Planning Department.
Any parcel within an urban or village area which is located within an archaeologically sensitive area as delineated by the official maps (Part III) of the Land Use Element.
Any other parcel containing a known archaeological site recorded by the California Archaeological Site Survey Office.
Preliminary site survey required. Before issuance of a land use or construction permit for development within an archaeologically sensitive area, a preliminary site survey shall be required. The survey shall be conducted by a qualified archaeologist knowledgeable in local Native American culture and approved by the Environmental Coordinator. The County will provide pertinent project information to the Native American tribe(s).
When a mitigation plan is required. If the preliminary site survey determines that proposed development may have significant effects on existing, known or suspected archaeological resources, a plan for mitigation shall be prepared by a qualified archaeologist. The County will provide pertinent project information to the Native American tribe(s) as appropriate. The purpose of the plan is to protect the resource. The plan may recommend the need for further study, subsurface testing, monitoring during construction activities, project redesign, or other actions to mitigate the impacts on the resource. Highest priority shall be given to avoiding disturbance of sensitive resources. Lower priority mitigation measures may include use of fill to cap the sensitive resources. As a last resort, the review authority may permit excavation and recovery of those resources. The mitigation plan shall be submitted to and approved by the Environmental Coordinator, and considered in the evaluation of the development request by the Review Authority.
Archeological resources discovery. In the event archeological resources are unearthed or discovered during any construction activities, the standards of Section 23.05.140 of this title shall apply. Construction activities shall not commence until a mitigation plan, prepared by a qualified professional archaeologist reviewed and approved by the Environmental Coordinator, is completed and implemented. The County will provide pertinent project information to the affected Native American tribe(s) and consider comments prior to approval of the mitigation plan. The mitigation plan shall include measures to avoid the resources to the maximum degree feasible and shall provide mitigation for unavoidable impacts. A report verifying that the approved mitigation plan has been completed shall be submitted to the Environmental Coordinator prior to occupancy or final inspection, whichever occurs first.
[Amended 1995, Ord. 2715; Amended 2004, Ord. 3048]