§ 23.07.174. Streams and Riparian Vegetation.  

Latest version.
  • Coastal streams and adjacent riparian areas are environmentally sensitive habitats. The provisions of this section are intended to preserve and protect the natural hydrological system and ecological functions of coastal streams.


    Development adjacent to a coastal stream. Development adjacent to a coastal stream shall be sited and designed to protect the habitat and shall be compatible with the continuance of such habitat.


    Limitation on streambed alteration: Channelization, dams or other substantial alteration of stream channels are limited to:


    Necessary water supply projects, provided that quantity and quality of water from streams shall be maintained at levels necessary to sustain functional capacity of streams, wetlands, estuaries and lakes. (A 'necessary" water project is a project that is essential to protecting and/or maintaining public drinking water supplies, or to accommodate a principally permitted use as shown on Coastal Table "O" where there are no feasible alternatives.


    Flood control projects, including maintenance of existing flood control channels, where such protection is necessary for public safety or to protect existing commercial or residential structures, when no feasible alternative to streambed alteration is available;


    Construction of improvements to fish and wildlife habitat;

    Streambed alterations shall not be conducted unless all applicable provisions of this title are met and if applicable, permit approval from the California Department of Fish and Game, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and California State Water Resources Control Board.

    In addition, every streambed alteration conducted pursuant to this title shall employ the best mitigation measures where feasible, including but not limited to:


    Avoiding the construction of hard bottoms;


    Using box culverts with natural beds rather than closed culverts to provide for better wildlife movement; and


    Pursuing directional drilling for pipes, cables, and conduits to avoid surface streambed disturbance.


    Stream diversion structures: Structures that divert all or a portion of streamflow for any purpose, except for agricultural stock ponds with a capacity less than 10 acre-feet, shall be designed and located to not impede the movement of native fish or to reduce streamflow to a level that would significantly affect the production of fish and other stream organisms.


    Riparian setbacks: New development shall be setback from the upland edge of riparian vegetation the maximum amount feasible. In the urban areas (inside he URL) this setback shall be a minimum of 50 feet. In the rural areas (outside the URL) this setback shall be a minimum of 100 feet. A larger setback will be preferable in both the urban and rural areas depending on parcel configuration, slope, vegetation types, habitat quality, water quality, and any other environmental consideration. These setback requirements do not apply to non-structural agricultural developments that incorporate adopted nest management practices in accordance with LUP Policy 26 for Environmentally Sensitive Habitats.


    Permitted uses within the setback: Permitted uses are limited to those specified in Section 23.07.172d(1) (for wetland setbacks), provided that the findings required by that section can be made. Additional permitted uses that are not required to satisfy those findings include pedestrian and equestrian trails, and non-structural agricultural uses.

    All permitted development in or adjacent to streams, wetlands, and other aquatic habitats shall be designed and/or conditioned to prevent loss or disruption of the habitat, protect water quality, and maintain or enhance (when feasible) biological productivity. Design measures to be provided include, but are not limited to:


    Flood control and other necessary instream work should be implemented in a manner than minimizes disturbance of natural drainage courses and vegetation.


    Drainage control methods should be incorporated into projects in a manner that prevents erosion, sedimentation, and the discharge of harmful substances into aquatic habitats during and after construction.


    Riparian habitat setback adjustment: The minimum riparian setback may be adjusted through Minor Use Permit approval, but in no case shall structures be allowed closer than 10 feet from a stream bank, and provided the following findings can first be made:


    Alternative locations and routes are infeasible or more environmentally damaging; and


    Adverse environmental effects are mitigated to the maximum extent feasible; and


    The adjustment is necessary to allow a principal permitted use of the property and redesign of the proposed development would not allow the use with the standard setbacks; and


    The adjustment is the minimum that would allow for the establishment of a principal permitted use.


    Alteration of riparian vegetation: Cutting or alteration of natural riparian vegetation that functions as a portion of, or protects, a riparian habitat shall not be permitted except:


    For streambed alterations allowed by subsections a and b above;


    Where an issue of public safety exists;


    Where expanding vegetation is encroaching on established agricultural uses;


    Minor public works projects, including but not limited to utility lines, pipelines, driveways and roads, where the Planning Director determines no feasible alternative exists;


    To increase agricultural acreage provided that such vegetation clearance will:


    Not impair the functional capacity of the habitat;


    Not cause significant streambank erosion;


    Not have a detrimental effect on water quality or quantity;


    Be in accordance with applicable permits required by the Department of Fish and Game.


    To locate a principally permitted use on an existing lot of record where no feasible alternative exists and the findings of Section 23.07.174d(2) can be made.

[Amended 2004, Ord.2999]