§ 23.08.222. Auto and Vehicle Repair and Service.
This section applies to all auto repair and service activities defined in the Land Use Element as allowable in the Commercial Service and Industrial categories:
Repair and services other than self-service washing.
Permit requirement. As determined by Section 23.03.042 (Permit Requirements) for retail trade and service uses.
Enclosure required. All repair and service activities, and the temporary storage of vehicles while waiting for repair, service or bodywork are to be conducted within a building, or within a yard enclosed by a six-foot high solid fence, such that storage or repair activities are not visible from the public street.
Self-service car washes. The standards of this subsection are applicable to self-service car washes where the vehicle remains stationary during washing.
Permit requirement. Minor Use Permit approval, except when Section 23.03.042 (Permit Requirements), would require Development Plan approval.
Location. A car wash is not to be located within 100 feet of a Residential Single Family land use category.
Access lanes. Separate on-site access and egress lanes are to be provided, and identified with directional signing. Site access and egress may be from a single driveway, provided that one-way traffic flow is maintained on-site.
Washing line or bay orientation. Washing bays are to be oriented so that the bay entrances and exits do not face an adjoining street. Access to the bays is to be one-way only.
Setbacks. Structures are to be set back from site property lines at distances sufficient to provide the following features:
Waiting area. An area 10 by 20 feet is to be provided adjacent to the entrance of each washing bay for a vehicle waiting to use the bay.
On-site circulation. The car wash structure, and waiting area described in subsection b(5)i above are to be encircled by a one-way driving lane with a minimum width of 24 feet along the washing bays, and 12 feet adjacent to the building ends.
Drying area. An area is to be provided for the drying of vehicles after washing, consisting of separate spaces which are a minimum size of 12 by 20 feet. Drying spaces are to be provided at a ratio of two per washing bay.
Adjacent to multi-family use. A 10-foot landscaped setback is to be provided along the total length of any property line abutting a multi-family residential use.
Landscaping. A 10-foot landscaping strip is to be provided across any street frontage of the site, exclusive of driveways.
Fencing. The interior lot lines of a car wash site are to be screened with solid wood or masonry fencing, six feet in height, except within 10 feet of the street right-of-way, where no fencing is required.
[Amended 1992, Ord. 2591; 1995, Ord. 2715]